Petey’s Blog

Ways to Create Successful New Year’s Resolutions

Is a New Year’s Resolution a Beginning or an End? When you resolve something do you STOP doing something, START doing something or STOP and START?  What promises did you make to yourself at the beginning of the year? Here are some tips to help you accomplish your resolutions and reward yourself along the way. STOP o First Question to Ask Yourself – WHY? o Second Question – NO KIDDING – WHY?..the real reason. o Third Question – WHY NOT?     START o First Question – WHAT do I have in mind to start? o WHY do I want to start this? What are my incentives? o How will… Continue Reading

Two minute Tip: Recognizing the Potential in Others

In our previous series we talked about our own potential — we created 5 areas of priorities in our lives and used our potential to improve and learned how to teach our brains to accept new thoughts and ideas. Today is about helping others raise their level of potential. In the bestseller The Invisible Employee: Using Carrots to See the Hidden Potential in Everyone Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton show how effective leaders change negative mind-sets by engaging their people in their cause by setting clear goals, encouraging productive behavior, and celebrating every success along the way. As an example, when on-boarding new employees try these tips: Send a welcome letter to new… Continue Reading

Increasing Your Potential, One Thought at a Time

In listening to Dr. Dispenza relating to his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, he says that we have 60-70 thousand thoughts a day (90% of which the same thoughts are repeated every day) creating the same choices, behavior, experiences, emotions, evolution and therefore the same results. When we learn something new it connects with our brains, but only if we apply what we’ve learned can we feel it. Once we feel it we need to continue to think the thought until we train the brain. Works much better than will power! Change starts one thought and one action at a time. You want to have more, become more! Dr.… Continue Reading

Two Minute Tip: Staying focused and balanced

How do we stay focused and balanced without becoming overwhelmed? How do we stay focused and in balance without becoming overwhelmed? One of my answers came during a summit meeting with Brian Buffini. He suggested that we consider the below: The Five Circles of Life Spiritual Relational Vocational Fiscal Personal You may name them differently: health (mental and/or physical), wealth, self (ego), business, family/friends, hobbies etc. Here’s how it works: Prioritize your priorities – select the top 5. Rate all five from 1-10 as to how much of your potential you are presently using. For example, you may rate your Physical Health as your #1 priority, but are only using… Continue Reading

We are a People of Mass Potential

If we are a people of mass potential, what percentage of that potential are we using? The answer is all too often an unfortunate very low amount. How do we stay focused and in balance without becoming overwhelmed? One of my answers came during a summit meeting with Brian Buffini. He suggested that we consider the below: The Five Circles of Life Spiritual Relational Vocational Fiscal Personal You may name them differently: health (mental and/or physical), wealth, self (ego), business, family/friends, hobbies etc. Here’s how it works: Prioritize your priorities – select the top 5. Rate all five from 1-10 as to how much of your potential you are presently… Continue Reading

Two Minute Tip: Imagine for a moment…

What if you had a delete and refresh button for doing business in a new or better way? Tips For your business: • Whether you are in construction, a Fortune 500 Company, a non-profit, or an organization — It basically starts with your people. • Maybe a realignment of your Organization Chart is in order!? • Do you have the right people, in the right place, at the right time, for the right reason? Tip for your personal life: • When was the last time you made a list of your priorities? • What and who is important in your life? • Delete the negativity around you – accent the… Continue Reading