Who says they are your raving fans?

As a three part series we will be discussing three types of service: Complacency Service, Concierge Service, and Customer Service. How can you create raving fans for your product or service? Our expectation of concierge service congers up being spoiled by amazing service. In Jeffrey Gitomer’s book Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless… Continue Reading

How to knock your clients’ socks off

Are your customers happy? Your customers are your biggest asset. Developing retention strategies that identity your loyal customers and supports their needs should be at the top of your organization’s priority list. As a three part series we will be discussing three types of service: Complacency Service, Concierge Service, and Customer Service. Complacency is defined… Continue Reading

How in the world do you make decisions?

Are you mentally and physically centered enough to make decisions that positively affect your life and the lives of others? Whether you’re a CEO, parent raising children, entrepreneur, or a student we all need to brush up on our methods of decision making from time-to-time. Some of the key aspects of how we make sound decisions… Continue Reading

Handling Holiday Returns

It’s inevitable – either someone gave you something that you don’t care for, or you got someone something they didn’t care for. If your company is in the business of selling anything, products or services, returns will come into play. Here’s a few short tips:

Seven Steps to Great Customer Service

Customer Service

The perfect salmon filet at a local café. A product packaged in the perfect shade of blue. People have positive buying experiences every day. Customer service, in a nutshell, is influence translated into delivery and execution. I know everyone’s company is fantastic and everyone customer loves them.

Truth…or Consequences?

“Love means never having to say you’re sorry…” Sadly, that truth only exists in the movies! As long as we’re working with people, there will always be the need to apologize. Apologizing is like a “room freshener” for your company’s culture: