Two minute Tip: Recognizing the Potential in Others

In our previous series we talked about our own potential — we created 5 areas of priorities in our lives and used our potential to improve and learned how to teach our brains to accept new thoughts and ideas. Today is about helping others raise their level of potential.
In the bestseller The Invisible Employee: Using Carrots to See the Hidden Potential in Everyone Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton show how effective leaders change negative mind-sets by engaging their people in their cause by setting clear goals, encouraging productive behavior, and celebrating every success along the way.
As an example, when on-boarding new employees try these tips:
  1. Send a welcome letter to new employees a few days before they start to set the expectation that they matter as an individual.
  2. Meet them at the front door when they arrive.
  3. Sit down with new employees to discuss mentoring, training, and initial tasks.

Employees who are recognized regularly increase their individual productivity, are more likely to stay with their organization, receive higher satisfaction scores from customers and have better safety records. Yet 88% of employees say their biggest beef with their organization is not enough acknowledgment of their work.
On-boarding continues long after the first week your employee has been with your firm. As an example…
  1. Continue weekly to cover conversations regarding your company culture.
  2. Continue to highlight and recognize their increased responsibilities as they grow into their position.
Praise must outweigh criticism by a 5 to 1 margin to achieve a high-performance

culture. Amazingly when asked from whom they would rather receive their praise 57% of employees chose their direct supervisor, while only 21% would rather be praised by the company president.
What’s your organization’s on-boarding process? A successful on-boarding process should have the following:
  1. Should give new employees a since of confidence and resources to be impactful in your organization.
  2. Should help employees understand their roles and your organization.
  3. Should be an opportunity for your organization to start fresh and implement changes.
Contact us at for details on how we can help your organization develop an on-boarding process that welcomes your new hires and prepares them to carry out your organization’s mission.