How in the world do you make decisions?

Are you mentally and physically centered enough to make decisions that positively affect your life and the lives of others? Whether you’re a CEO, parent raising children, entrepreneur, or a student we all need to brush up on our methods of decision making from time-to-time. Some of the key aspects of how we make sound decisions stem from how we use our head, body and soul.
Is it time for a checkup?


  • Can you factually determine whether a decision is right or wrong? Do you make decisions based on assumptions or facts?
  • Are you physically and mentally fit? Is your body working on adrenaline or so tired your thoughts are slurred and unable to come to a conclusion?
  • Is your decision based on good ethics? Is it compassionate and kind? Is it the right thing to do for the right reason?

In a perfect world all three– the head, body, and soul would all be in agreement with the decisions you make. Take a minute each day to scan and score yourself by honestly assessing who you are – inside out!!!

Contact us at for details on how we train leaders to make decisions that align with their company’s culture.